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The Programs We Fund

City of Wichita SACK / Discovery camps
Summer Activity Camps for Kids and Discovery Camps host multiple tennis
sessions at 6 public tennis court facilities.   During the last year, 2000 kids
participated in these programs due to MCBs grant towards these camps.  
Kids Play Day at the Wichita Tennis Open (WTO)
The WTO Kids Day provides transportation, sport activities, and mentorship
during this professional tennis tournament.  MCB’s sponsorship of this kids event
provides fun for the local kids and an exciting atmosphere to those competing in
the tournament.                
Genesis / GFFT
MCB makes a donation to GFFT’s focus on life skills, becoming better citizens,
lead healthy lifestyles, always be active in life, and, yes, tennis. The programs
include hand-eye coordination, footwork, and basic tennis skills.

WSU Kids Day
MCB sponsors local youth to participate in tennis lessons and activities
surrounding a WSU collegiate tennis match.

USD 259 QuickStart Tennis in Schools
MCB sponsored USTA membership for USD 259 Physical Education teachers to
receive USTA Net Generation teacher tennis training and equipment into the
public schools. This collaboration between MCB Kansas, USD 259 and USTA
Kansas District started in 2015 bringing Physical Education teacher tennis
training and equipment to nearly all elementary public schools in the Wichita area
and is an example of the positive community benefits resulting from a
collaboration between the non-profit, public and private sector. As just an
example of the number of kids involved, the 12 elementary schools registered as
a result of the initial collaboration in 2015 had a total student enrollment of
approximately 5,878 kids.
McAdams Community Tennis Program
The National Junior Tennis League was created as a way to gain and hold the
attention of young people, with the hope of teaching them the importance of
character, getting an education and becoming productive citizens.  MCB
sponsors NJTL to host local tennis camps towards their mission. 
No fee is required for participation, however all youth requested to submit an
essay for the Arthur Ashe Essay Contest. Two (2) kids from this Program won

the National Contest for their essays and as a result were awarded trips to the
USTA Arthur Ashe Fun Day at the U.S. Open.

Special Olympics Kansas
MCB maintains a connection to these special athletes through funding, and by
volunteering time and instruction at the summer Special Olympics games.

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©2022 by MCB Tennis Foundation of Kansas

P.O. Box 781754, Wichita KS 67278

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